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  1. Haha
    s0uNNNd. got a reaction from Wasay for a status update, @ Wasay mai ai 4 zile sa poti merge pe strada normal, ca duminica esti in cadru   
    @Wasay mai ai 4 zile sa poti merge pe strada normal, ca duminica esti in cadru
  2. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to SouNNd for a status update, adu berea   
    adu berea
  3. Haha
    s0uNNNd. got a reaction from LaRkinn for a status update, https://www.facebook.com/groups/965306126951258 - Haideti si pe grupul de Fb pentru o   
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/965306126951258 -  Haideti si pe grupul de Fb pentru o caterinca de zile mari Alaturi de interpretii : s0uNNNd, suprem, Wasay, LaRkinn si multi alti invitati surpriza! 
  4. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to Wasay for a status update, Creieru' pe turbo-sport   
    Creieru' pe turbo-sport
  5. Like
    s0uNNNd. got a reaction from Wasay for a status update, Nu faci din tarfa gospodina, Nici din fraier patron   
    Nu faci din tarfa gospodina,
    Nici din fraier patron
  6. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to suprem. for a status update, dragoste-n suflet, bani in inima   
    dragoste-n suflet, bani in inima  
  7. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to suprem. for a status update, 2 pistoale pe mine, restaurant de lux la roma   
    2 pistoale pe mine, restaurant de lux la roma
  8. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to bLooD for a status update, Noroc !   
    Noroc ! 
  9. Like
    s0uNNNd. reacted to suprem. for a status update, follow la meme.glina PE INSTAGRAAAAAAAAAM   
    follow la meme.glina   PE INSTAGRAAAAAAAAAM
  10. Like
    s0uNNNd. got a reaction from ReFL3xXx for a status update, Cum sa te cheme Marta? gen esti Martaloaga?   
    Cum sa te cheme Marta? gen esti Martaloaga?
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